
May 4, 2010: Proposed Budget Principles Aim to Bring Santa Clara Accounts into Balance

By Carolyn Schuk

Taking up from the April 20 City Council meeting discussion about Santa Clara's 2010-2011 budget, at last week's Council meeting City Manager Jennifer Sparacino introduced principles to guide the budgeting effort.
These include:

  • Developing a three-year strategy to eliminate the City's structural deficit and bring revenues and expenditures into ongoing balance.
  • Reducing headcount and permanent staff positions through attrition and retirements as much as possible, with layoffs only as a last resort
  • Raising some city fees to the full cost of providing services when individuals and individual businesses are the sole beneficiaries.

 Santa Clara's actual tax revenues for 2009-2010 
dropped by about $10 million, doubling the 
City's budget deficit. Current estimates predict a 
$55 million in total capital and operating
 deficits between 2010-2011 and 2014-2015. 
(Sources: City of Santa Clara Annual Budget 2009-2010, 
June 9, 2009; Santa Clara City Manager's 
2010-2011 budget status report, April 15, 2010.)
The City Manager's report to the Council noted that because Santa Clara's general fund and capital project reserves "are at historically low levels," using the City's emergency reserves "does not provide a viable solution to the revenue/expenditure gap." For information about Santa Clara's city budget, visit the City's website

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